A lot of myths & comparisons have arisen in the post World War Two era between Israel and Pakistan.
These false comparisons arise from some similarities between the two countries.
You can find many similarities between many two countries, yet people don't consider them to be parallels unlike the case of Israel and Pakistan.
Firstly let's look at some of these few similarities:
-Both countries founders were said to be irreligious and associated with their religious groups (Jews & Muslims) on a political basis rather than a religious one. Mr Theodore Herzl was a minority in his European society just as Mr Muhammed Ali Jinnah led a westernized style of life under British rule.
-Both founders had secular ambitions, that is they were not too concerned with the religious practices of others, but more of a secure future for their respective religious groups.
-Both countries gained independence from British rule.
-Both countries gained independence within three years of World War Two ending and the start of the Cold War.
-Both countries were established in the middle of a wide-scale conflict.
-Both countries were were established as states to secure the future of their religious groups though this fact is exaggerated.
Myths and facts:
Here are the myths that evolved out of these facts and were later twisted to suit propaganda agendas:
Myth: Both Israel and Pakistan were religion based states that minorities (non-Jews in the case for Israel and non-Muslims in the case for Pakistan).
Fact: Though this may be somewhat true for Israel, the fact is BOTH Israel and Pakistan were established as secular states, guaranteeing religious freedom through their respective constitutions.
The main difference is that with Israel, most of it's population migrated into the land at the expense of the native population(s) wheras in Pakistan, almost all of the population is still native.
Comparing Israel's foundation to Pakistan's is rather biased in this way for the reason stated above.
Myth: Both Israel and Pakistan are 'un-natural' countries and were artificially man made.
Fact: Because most modern states have been in existence for centuries, they slowly gain the recognition of a 'natural' country.
Looking at the history of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, it is very similar to Israel's founding where natives were forced out as opposed to Pakistan's. Certainly when these similarities are seen, none of these former British colonies can be hardly considered 'natural'
But because Canada, America have been around for so long they are accepted as 'natural.'
Myth: Both countries were established for western interests.
Fact: As already proven in this post, Pakistan's establishment was opposed by the West.
Even looking at Israel's modern history, the country can hardly be seen as a "creation for western interests."
The West's relations with oil rich Arab states has been difficult for decades. Even most western proxy regimes in the Middle East still oppose the West's pro-Israeli policies.
The very establishment of Israel can be seen as a thaw to western interests in the Middle East. Had the west backed their proxy regimes in the Middle East against Israel, they'd have an easier time getting energy on discounted prices.
And those who still cry about Israel acting as a western proxy have failed to show even one benefit Israel gives to them.
So far, only the opposite shows, with anti-western radical Islamist movements on the rise in that region due to their anger at western support for Israeli actions.
Much of western support for Israel has been at the expense of the Western tax payer, particularly American.
The west risks so much by backing Israel. The same is for the modern-day Pakistani state, which the West has been backing India against.
Pakistan, the country that has traditionally been allied with China and North Korea (more so China)- two traditional arch-rivals of the West, while India has been close to Britain and more recently the USA.
Today India is seen as a positive instrument to support for distracting China and preventing any peaceful resolution(s) in Asia.
In the end, reality seems the opposite of what is actually believed through this consistent myth spreading and ignorance of basic facts.
Not only have Israel and Pakistan been harmful to Western interests, it seems their arch-rivals (Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iraq in the case of Israel and India in the case of Pakistan) seem to be the actual Western proxies.
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